This is a reference chart for the original 16 colors that IBM (and compatible) computers used. The values shown are what you can use with today’s computers to replicate the same colors.
Note that index 6 is repeated (Yellow and Brown). This is because which color your system displays depends on which graphics adapter you have.
Name | Index | RGB | Hex | Sample |
Black | 0 | 0, 0, 0 | 000000 | |
Blue | 1 | 0, 0, 170 | 0000AA | |
Green | 2 | 0, 170, 0 | 00AA00 | |
Cyan | 3 | 0, 170, 170 | 00AAAA | |
Red | 4 | 170, 0, 0 | AA0000 | |
Magenta | 5 | 170, 0, 170 | AA00AA | |
Brown | 6 | 170, 85, 0 | AA5500 | |
Yellow | 6b | 170, 170, 0 | AAAA00 | |
White | 7 | 170, 170, 170 | AAAAAA | |
Dark Gray | 8 | 85, 85, 85 | 555555 | |
Bright Blue | 9 | 85, 85, 255 | 5555FF | |
Bright Green | 10 | 85, 255, 85 | 55FF55 | |
Bright Cyan | 11 | 85, 255, 255 | 55FFFF | |
Bright Red | 12 | 255, 85, 85 | FF5555 | |
Bright Magenta | 13 | 255, 85, 255 | FF55FF | |
Bright Yellow | 14 | 255, 255, 85 | FFFF55 | |
Bright White | 15 | 255, 255, 255 | FFFFFF |